
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gilette Case

GILLETTE CASE 1)Evaluate product innovation at Gillette throughout its history. Has Gillette been a victim of its own success? Has product innovation in the wet-shaving market come to an end? Explain. When we look at Gillette’s product innovation throughout its history, Gillette continued developing, innovating it self. Yes the product innovation in the wet-shaving market come to an end and now it is in decline part of the cycle but Gillette razors are still selling because shaving with razors has become the habit of consumers throughout the years and it is the cheapest way.Gillette also came up with personal care products. As the rivalry gets hot, Gillette comes up with new innovations, which are better than the competitors every time. 2)What do you make of the battle between Gillette and Schick? Is the battle one upmanship good for either company? The battle between Gillette and Schick is very good for the consumer. This rivalry is upmanship good for both of the companies in a way.Because everytime that one of the brands come up with a new product, the other brand decides to produce a better version of it. So the innovations always stay fresh and the consumers benefit from this battle. 3)What actions would you recommend over the next five years that would help Gillette maintain its worldwide dominance in the shaving market? What specific marketing program decisions would you recommend? Should Gillette be worried about Schick? Explain. I would recommend Gillette to focus more on the products for females.Gillette already gained a great success for men products, now the company can produce more women products such as personal care products and woman razors. Gillette should continue supporting sportive activities because sports are always global cases, by continuing this strategy Gillette can stay global. Gillette should not be worried about Schick but should always be on track so that every time Schick comes with a new product or advertisement, Gillette c an do a better one.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Case Study of Karen

Case study – KAREN This assignment is about Karen Lee who comes for personal counseling. As a therapist I use two theories (Psychoanalytic Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy) separately to help her in solving her problem. Psychoanalytic therapy, basic assumption of human nature: Psychoanalytic treatment is highly individualized and seeks to show how the unconscious factors affect behavior patterns, relationships, and overall mental health.Treatment traces the unconscious factors to their origins, shows how they have evolved and developed over the course of many years, and subsequently helps individuals to overcome the challenges they face in life (National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis, 1998). As a therapy, psychoanalysis is based on the concept that individuals are unaware of the many factors that cause their behavior and emotions.These unconscious factors have the potential to produce unhappiness, which in turn is expressed through a score of distinguishab le symptoms, including disturbing personality traits, difficulty in relating to others, or disturbances in self-esteem or general disposition (American Psychoanalytic Association, 1998). In An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Freud (1949) explains the principal tenets on which psychoanalytic theory is based 1. human behavior and thinking are largely determined by irrational drives; 2. those drives are largely not conscious; 3. ttempt to bring those drives into awareness meets defense (resistance) in many different forms; 4. beside the inherited constitution of personality, one's development is determined by events in early childhood; 5. conflicts between conscious view of reality and unconscious (repressed) material can result in mental disturbances such as neurosis, neurotic traits, anxiety, depression etc. ; 6. the liberation from the effects of the unconscious material is achieved through bringing this material into the consciousness Freud begins with an explanation of the three forces of the psychical apparatus–the id, the ego, and the superego.The id has the quality of being unconscious and contains everything that is inherited, everything that is present at birth, and the instincts (Freud, 1949). The ego has the quality of being conscious and is responsible for controlling the demands of the id and of the instincts, becoming aware of stimuli, and serving as a link between the id and the external world. In addition, the ego responds to stimulation by either adaptation or flight, regulates activity, and strives to achieve pleasure and avoid displeasure (Freud, 1949).Finally, the superego, whose demands are managed by the id, is responsible for the limitation of satisfactions and represents the influence of others, such as parents, teachers, and role models, as well as the impact of racial, societal, and cultural traditions (Freud, 1949). Psychoanalysis fostered interest in human emotional and psychological development traced back to a young age. The human can be seen from a much more holistic viewpoint as one looks at the psychoanalytic theory, which combines the inner workings of the mind and attempts to explain them in the context of a dynamic social environment.Karen-cade study The focus is on how Karen’s childhood experiences create an internalized interpersonal model for relationships. The treatment plan is based on a three-pointed outline: 1. The Problem list 2. Problem Formulation 3. Intervention Karen reports general dissatisfaction of her life, she feels some panic over reaching the age of 39, She has been troubled with a range of psychosomatic complaints including sleep disorders, anxiety, dizziness, heart palpitation, and headaches. She often feels depressed, and she is concern about loosing her looks with her overweight and aging.According to the psychoanalytic theory, the focus is on bringing unconscious to the conscious. Karen case study shows she has repressed. She never wants anything for herself and she typic ally lived up to what other in her life wanted for her. Karen’s gender-role identification was fraught with difficulties. She learned the basis of female-male relationships through her early experiences with her parents. What she saw, was her father as a distant, authoritarian and rigidperson that every actions of her father should never be questioned and everyone should obey his standard and rules.She remembers her mother who was supportive but critical and Karen thought the she would never do enough to please her. She generalized this pattern through her life. It could be further hypothesized that the man be married was similar to her father, and she used her mother as a role model by becoming a homemaker. In a critical incident took place when she was 6 years old, her father caught her during â€Å"playing doctor† with an 8-years-old boy. She reports â€Å"He lectured me and refused to speak me for week. I felt extremely guilty and ashamed. † She repressed he r own emerging sexuality and carried the feeling of guilt into her adolescence.She was not allowed to date until she completed high school. She married the first person she had dated. It could be further hypothesized that she lived up to what othersin her life wanted for her and she generalized it to relation with her children, it’s very difficult for her to cope herself with children’s rebellion especially about her daughter, Jane. She is not satisfied with her husband relationships, and she is anxious over the prospects of challenging this relationship, fearing that she does, she might end up alone. In a general sense, psychoanalytic case formulations always have interpersonal foundations.These foundations are built from repeated child-caretaker interactions, subsequently internalized, and later manifest themselves in clients’ daily live. Consequently Karen’s depressive and anxiety symptoms are traced to early childhood interpersonal experiences andobse rvedduring her life. According to the Karen’s presenting problem and psychological history, her intervention package can be as follow: 1. to motivate her for therapy 2. to reduce her anxiety 3. to emphasize on primacy on self-experience which help her to improve her self-esteem â€Å"Typical change process in psychoanalytic therapy includes four parts: 1.Cognitive insight (usually a repeating maladaptive interpersonal pattern) 2. Practice in detecting maladaptive   mental and interpersonal patterns 3. Creating new and more satisfying interpersonal experiences† 4. Internalization of new and more satisfying interpersonal experiences (John Sommers1957) As I told before, the goal is to† bring unconscious to conscious and it’s not limited to solving problem and learning new behaviors, there is a deeper probing into the past to develop the level of self-understanding that is assumed to be necessary for change in character. (Corey 2009) During therapy, therapis t explores some of these questions with Karen: â€Å"What did you do when you felt unloved in the childhood? As a child what did you do with your negative feelings? Could you express your rage, hostility, hurt, and fears? What effects did your relationship with mother and father have on you? What did this teach you about all women and men? Brought into the here and now of the transference relationship, questions might include â€Å"When you have felt anything like this with me? and What are you learning from our relationship about how relationship with women or men might go?As she comes to understand how she has been shaped by these past experiences, she is increasingly able to exert control over her present functioning. Many of Karen’s fear become conscious, and then her energy does not have to remain fixed on defending herself from unconscious feelings instead, she can decision about her current life. † (Corey 2009) Cognitive behavior therapy, basic assumption of hu man nature: Human nature as believed by my theoretical approach is that we are all capable of loving, happiness, and even self-actualization, however, we also have tendencies toward self-destruction, self-blame, intolerance, and perfectionism.Because we are the inclination to think rationally and irrationally, the theory believe that we can train ourselves to refuse to become upset and resist irrational thoughts by repeating relational thoughts to ourselves and we have capacity to change by choosing to react differently to situations. Ellis assumes that we are self-taking, self-evaluating and self-sustaining. We develop emotional and behavioral difficulties when we mistake simple preferences (desires for love, approval, success).Ellis again affirms that we have an inborn tendency toward growth and actualization, yet we often sabotage our movement toward growth due to self-defeating patterns we have learned. (Ellis, 1999). Although, irrational beliefs can be learned from significant others, human beings are believed to create irrational dogmas and superstitions by themselves and reinforce self-defeating beliefs by the process of autosuggestion and self-repetition and by behaving as if they are useful. Therefore, it is our own indoctrinated irrational thoughts that keep dysfunctional attitudes alive and operative within us. Karen- case studyIn assessment of problem, behaviorally she acts defensive, avoids eye contact, speaks rapidly, and fidgets constantly with her clothes. She lives with her husband and her three children but, generally she is not satisfied of her life. Emotionally she feels unsecure and unappreciated in her relation with her husband and her children, she has experienced some of specific problems such as anxiety, sleep disorder, panic attacks and depression. In cognition area she fears about aging, she fears of not succeeding in professional world and worries about how becoming more professionally involved might threat her family.She concerns a bout losing her children. She is anxious over the prospects of changing the relationships with her husband, fearing if she does, she might end up alone. After assessment of the problem, the intervention package focused on the following: 1. To motivate the patient for therapy 2. To prepare Karen to deal with and face phobic situations she avoided due to anxiety 3. To reduce her anxiety 4. To reduce inferiority complex and increase self-esteem 5. To modify her negative thoughtsTherapist helps client to understand how to change irrational thoughts to rational thoughts and teach her positive thinking and consideration of positive data in critical situation. Therapist pays more attention to the present time and focuses on causes of client’s discomfort in present time. In Karen’s case the most reason and greatest catalyst that triggered her to come for therapy is the increase of her physical symptoms and anxiety. Karen’s therapist should focuses on helping her in defi ning the particular areas that Karen would like to change after completing this assessment.They work together and make a plan for treatment. Therapist helps Karen to understand the purposes of her behaviors and then teach her about how the therapy sessions can help her to reach her goals. CBT helps Karen to understand that she is responsible for his own life and she should b active. According to the case study, she completed a course in introduction to counseling, that encouraged her to have a look at the direction of her life and she took an honest look at her life. Karen finds wondering what she should want and what she should be doing.It shows that she is aware of her life and she wants to change but she fears and she doesn’t know exactly what she wants. Therapist should help her to understand in which area she wants to change. The first things that she wants now, is being successful in her professional world. Therapist uses questioning process to develop a picture of her difficulties. Karen’s concrete aims include her craving to function professionally without being tense and worry about every little thing in her life. As a practice, therapist asks Karen to keep a record of when she feels tense or worry and what events make these feelings.Karen indicates that she worries about her right to think and act selfishly. Behavioral skills therapy is good for her because she has trouble talking with her family. This procedure includes modeling, roleplaying and behavior rehearsal. Then she tries more effective behaviors with her therapist who plays the role of herfamily members and then gives feedback how strong or apologetic she seemed. Karen’s anxiety about her relationship with her husband can also be explored using behavior rehearsal (in case that therapist is male). The therapist plays as her Karen’s husband, Tim.She practices being the way she would like to be with Tim and says the things to her therapist that she might be afraid t o say to her husband. During this rehearsal, Karen can explore her fears, get feedback on the effects of her behavior, and experiment with more assertive behavior. Next, she is requires to list down her specific fears. Karen identifies her greatest fear is not able to function both professionally and responsibility to her family if she branches out. The least fearful situation she identifies is concerning over aging and her â€Å"looks†.Before moving into this simulated situation/ role play techniques, the therapist first does some systematic desensitization on Karen’s fear items hierarchy. Karen then begins repeated, systematic exposure to items she finds frightening, beginning at the bottom of the fear hierarchy. She continues with repeated exposure to the next fear hierarchy item when exposure to the previous item no longer makes Karen anxious. Part of the process involves exposure exercises for practice in various situations away from the therapy office. The goal o f the therapy is to help Karen modify the behavior that results in her feelings of guilt and anxiety.By learning more appropriate coping behavior, eliminating unrealistic anxiety and guilt, and acquiring more adaptive responses, Karen’s presenting symptoms decrease, and he reports a greater degree of satisfaction. As a conclusion according to Karen’s problems, a combination of cognitive, emotional and behavioral approaches (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) is effective and is the first choice of treatment for her anxiety and depression although, there are a number of ways in which common treatment elements for anxiety and depression may facilitate symptom reduction in both disorders. The cognitive restructuring skills typically employed in CBT provide patients with skills to identify, evaluate, and modify maladaptive negative thinking styles more generally. †(Michael W. Otto   2010) References †¢ Freud, S. (1949). An outline of psychoanalysis. New York: Norton. †¢Gerald Corey. (2009). Theory and Practice of Counseling Psychology. USA: Brooks/Cole †¢ Jesse H. wright, Monica Ramirez, Michael E. Thase. (2006). Learning Cognitive Behavior Therapy . USA: American Psychiatric Publishing. †¢ Judith S. Beck. (2011). Cognitive Behavior Therapy basics and beyond.New York: Guilford Press †¢ John Sommers, Rita Sommers. (1957). Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories. USA: John Wiley and Sons. †¢ Keith S. Dobson. (2010). Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies. New York:Guilford Press †¢ Michael W. Otto, Stefan G. Hofman. (2010). Avoiding Treatment Failure in the Anxiety Disorders. USA: Springer †¢William. T. O’Donohue, Jane E. fisher. (2008). Cognitive Behavior Therapy. New York: John wiley. †¢ American Psychoanalytic Association (1998, January 31). About psychoanalysis  [WWW document]. Retrieved on 12 June 2012 from http://www. apsa. org/pubinfo/about. htm

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Managing Retention Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managing Retention - Case Study Example Synopsis The secondary data available from the focus group study and survey questionnaires reveals that the major cause of employees leaving Irontown is stress experienced by the employees, whereas unfulfilled expectation of the employees from their designated jobs appears to be the second major cause of high employee turnover. Other reasons of high employee turnover at the Irontown are lack of efficiency in providing a solution to the customers’ problems, dissatisfaction from the salary and benefits package and finding another job opportunity. From the problems mentioned above, Irontown has been successful in identifying the resultant problems such as the inconsistency of training modules and lack of workforce to carry out the operations of the Irontown. Retention Plan Following are the suggestions that will help Irontown to overcome its human resource issues, particularly the high employee turnover rate. 1. Training and Development A good entrepreneur or manager is one who t akes special care of his or her employees’ growth plans. This practice helps the employer to gain employees’ loyalty. ... The first one is aimed at polishing the skills and customer handling abilities of the new recruits and teaches them about the customers’ preferences and behavioral trends. This information can be fetched from the CM software of the company which would give an insight into the customers’ buying trends and the most frequently asked questions. The next training program is for organizational development which should be offered to all the employees, regardless of how much time these employees have spent at Irontown. Again, the CRM software and the information retrieved from there would be helpful in determining customers’ preferences and bringing changes in the promotional pitch that customer care representatives use while talking to a customer (Russo, 2000). The use of these two training modules would help Irontown to improve the usage of CM software, on which the company has already invested a significant amount. Moreover, the issue of inefficiency in customer relat ionship management would also be resolved by training employees. 2. Revisiting Salary and Compensation Packages Irontown is advised to revisit its salary and compensation packages offered to the employees. By doing this, the company would be able to analyze the salary offered at Irontown against the industry standards. If the salary packages at Irontown are not up to the expectations of employees, than Irontown should raise salaries by increasing the amount of perks given to the employees in addition to the basic salary. In this manner, employees’ financial requirements would be fulfilled and they will gain inner satisfaction from their jobs (Russo, 2000). 3. Rotation Policy Irontown is also advised to introduce a shift rotation policy. This policy would provide every trainee and employer of the company

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Music should be censored Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Music should be censored - Essay Example In recent western history, music was carefully chosen and used for educational purposes as a way to indoctrinate and enculturate children. In countries like Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, music learning is defined through concepts, and educational growth explained regarding psychological theories of development (Walker, 131). The use of music in education calls for the need of music censorship so that children grow up and develop in a musical background. In addition, Xunzi further argues that music censorship is important because music acts as a bridge of emotions; therefore, they are not used in any way to create harm in the society. Tranquil music promotes obedience to the law while stern and majestic music promotes social order. Licentious and wild music is subject to censorship as it is detrimental to the society by promoting disorder, rebellion and depravity. Xunzi believed that censoring music, in the absence of social distinctions and barriers, ev il in the human society would flourish, chaos and disorder will result, and there will be no material progress. The other reason for music censorship is that music has a way of pushing the limit of decency as children are influenced by destructive messages and images of casual; sex and casual violence. Children are highly vulnerable as they are not fully aware of the consequences. It is difficult to keep explicit music material from children, and the situation is worsened by how children could be taught to evaluate such music.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Discussion 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Discussion 5 - Essay Example Their lifestyles are the subject of every news and media publication that is known to be saleable and universally appealing. The mentioning of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones’ wedding that amounted to â€Å"$1 million to entertain a guest list† (Rothman 192) was an example of this concept. Another relevant term is ‘class consciousness’ which is defined as a general awareness of distinctions in social classes that encompass knowledge on terms such as class awareness, class identification, class solidarity and class action (Rothman 207). As disclosed, the concept of class consciousness ranges from â€Å"the most basic and minimum acknowledgement that there is a hierarch of social classes to participation in overt action to enhance class-based shared interests† (Rothman 207). One strongly believes that class consciousness differs in level and scope of understanding depending also on the stratification of people in society. The information presented under the Quiet Millionaires written by Rothman (193) was likewise interesting and informative in terms of providing greater and significant insights on the lifestyles of a different segment of the rich and famous people, but those who opt to remain private and confidential in their respective endeavors. One of the noted personalities who exemplify this lifestyle was noted as Warren Buffet. As disclosed, â€Å"Warren Buffet, worth over $12 billion dollars, still lives in the same home he bought for $31,500 in 1958† (Rothman 193). The contents are highly indicative that not all rich and famous people lead an extravagant and a life of conspicuous consumption. There are also many who have returned and shared their riches through philanthropic endeavors, such as Bill and Melinda Gates, Michael and Susan Dell, and Ted Turner (Rothman 193) who had been noted to donate large sums of money for various noteworthy

Monday, August 26, 2019

Introduction to business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Introduction to business - Essay Example This simply means that although one of the objectives of the organization is the generation of profits, organizations must include other relevant goals that would be beneficial to other stakeholders: the employees, customers, suppliers, investors, government agencies, and to the society, as a whole. These goals could include ensuring that the organization’s operations and production of products or services are consistent with the need to protect the environment and comply with quality standards imposed by government regulatory bodies. Likewise, it could also be indicative of ensuing â€Å"a satisfactory rate of return to investors, provide good salary, security and proper working condition to its employees, make available quality products at reasonable price to its consumers, maintain the environment properly† (Social Responsibilities of Business 38). By doing all these, in return these various stakeholders would patronize the organizations’ product or services a nd thereby ensure their continued

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Growth Impact of Major Sporting Events Research Paper - 3

Growth Impact of Major Sporting Events - Research Paper Example The focus of this research is to, â€Å"Critically evaluate the awarding of the Football World Cup hosting to the emerging markets of the world.† The research problem has been formulated with respect to the emerging markets. This has presented a huge scope of research and analysis in the paper. In order to address the research problem, the frequency in how the governing body of international football has awarded the hosting of the Football World Cup to the emerging markets have been reviewed. A background study on the mission, vision, and goals of the international governing body namely Fà ©dà ©ration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) has been carried out (Bob, Swart and Turco, 2006, p.58). Considering the goals and objectives of the organization, the various factors that have influenced the aspect of voting in favor of the emerging markets have been determined in this research paper. The critical evaluation of FIFA’s decision in awarding emerging markets with the hosting rights of the Football Cup has been determined to the extent to which the goals and objectives of the governing body have been fulfilled with this decision (Baade and Matheson, 2004, p.353). The research problem also established the fairness of the World Cup Bidding Process and the basis of FIFA Executive Committee’s decision in awarding the Football World Cup hosts to the developing countries. In order to analyze the research problem, the positive and the negative impacts on the emerging economies as a result of hosting the World Cup event have been determined.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

International Finance Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10500 words

International Finance Management - Term Paper Example Three weeks data ranging from seventh October to 29th of the same month, showed mixed performance by all currencies. US dollar depreciated against most currencies showing a negative performance overall. The only positive gain was against Yen which was expected as Japanese government is trying to support exports in an ailing export industry. Pound showed the best performance in comparison to dollar, despite some negative statements made by the British president. Peso for the initial period showed some positive signs due to improved performances in the stock market. Shits in market sentiments in later half of the month couldn’t completely eat up the gains but did reduce them considerably for Mexican Peso. Euro the closest competitor of the dollar showed mixed performance amidst, spikes in dollar value and positive performances in European markets. Each nation around the world has its own currency. The strength of its respective currency is a reflection of economic strength. In many respects each country operates similar to an MNC when it comes to demand for currency. It needs foreign currency to make international payments, maintain foreign reserves and finance imports. Thus it is necessary for each country to not only manage its own currency value but also keep an eye on international currency movements. Over the years the internal monetary system has seen many drastic changes. The system has evolved from the gold standard, fixed rate system and now to a floating rate system. In the gold standard system each currency was convertible to a fixed amount of gold. Therefore countries accumulated gold to increase currency value. After the failure of the gold standard system for obvious reasons a new system was established known as fixed rate system. Under the fixed exchange rate system, national currencies were monitored and it was ensured that there were no sudden movements in currency rates. However


INFECTION CONTROL IN THE IMAGING DEPARTMENT - Essay Example d either due to issues related with administrative failures of the institution involved or due to lack of appropriate legislation that will offer the basis for the protection of the public. On the other hand, the application of specific precaution measures has been proved to be helpful towards the effective management of an infection risk that can possible occur within a medical services institution. In current paper, the main issue under examination is the importance of control of infection in Hospitals to the extension that such an environment can be a source of infection with severe consequences to the public. More specifically, the department of radiology is examined as a particular area of hospital where the risk of infection can be high. The application of a series of measures, mainly of hand wash, is then examined in order to be identified if it is effective under real terms towards the control of infection specifically within a hospital. The above issues are examined and eval uated using a variety of sources both from the field of literature and the empirical research. More specifically, the views stated in a theoretical context have been combined with the findings of relevant research in order to formulate a valid assumption regarding the level of risk for infection that a patient has to face when entering a hospital. At the same time, a series of measures, particularly hand wash, are being tested as of their effectiveness towards the limitation of the above risk in modern healthcare services institutes. Although the development of technology in all scientific areas has been impressive, medical services sector continues to face severe turbulences due mostly to the appearance and spread of many diseases globally even if the medicines available should have minimized such a phenomenon. Generally, it should be stated that the ‘public health action to control infectious diseases in the 20th century is based on the 19th century discovery of microorganisms as

Friday, August 23, 2019

Health Systems Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health Systems Administration - Essay Example St. Louis-based BJC HealthCare, a $2.1 billion, 13-hospital system. In BJC's business model, the hospitals openly compete with each other on a wide range of fronts. There is not a combined medical staff, so referrals and revenue are fair game to all. BJC's marketing aim is to increase total revenue by gaining market share. By using a unique organizational model, it appears to be achieving both. BJC's model advocates local autonomy. Individual operating units set their targets and strategies to build their respective books of business. The corporate marketing department provides key resources in marketing consulting, market research, database management, and a call center for business development. On behalf of its facilities, the corporate office fields 425,000 calls to the call center a year and manages 2.5 million records in a master customer database, euphemistically referred to as its corporate memory. In comparison with other multihospital system models, BJC's corporate marketing supports rather than dictates strategy. "We are essentially a consulting resource to our facilities," said Tess Niehaus, director of corporate marketing for BJC. ... key term for organizations pursuing competitive strategy--is strategically appropriate and beneficial in one or more service lines for most organizations. Monitoring capabilities will be present and external benchmarks will be accessed, but leaders are not acting on the information they receive. Some of the other warning signs typical of organizations with pending distress include board and senior management acceptance of poor financial performance, poor physician relations, lack of middle management depth, lack of accountability or illogical reporting relationships involving managers/ supervisors, erosion of a profitable payer mix, and steadily declining operating margins or increasing losses. Another company, Bain & Company is a global business-consulting firm. Its main business is to assist the organizations to become more profitable through the use of various strategic techniques and leadership qualities. Bain is working to help companies find the next wave of profitable growth in turbulent economic times. Growth strategy is a core product of Bain & Company, and work with growth businesses around the world. Bain focuses on growth in terms of revenue, cash flow and shareholder value, all of which are needed for sustainable, profitable performance. Bain focus on the fact that to grow successfully, a company must first properly define and focus on its profitable core. An organization can pursue business adjacencies that substantiate its core, that reinforced the capability to contemplate and quickly react to the competition, and that develop processes to eliminate or circumvent the inherent organizational inhibitors to growth. And when the core formula has run its course, or faces industry upheaval, it times to renew your strategy and capabilities. They help managers

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Island of Human Nature Essay Example for Free

The Island of Human Nature Essay When Lord of the Flies was first released, William Golding described the novels theme in a publicity questionnaire as an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature. (Kennard) Since the island is a microcosm, Golding uses it to reflect our world and give comments on it and his view of human nature. In the novel a group of children are stranded on an island when their plane crashes. The freedom of having no parents while living in a society that does not enforce rules and laws are eliminated. In this novel William Golding uses the objects, characters, and setting show that what happened in the story is just not a story; they help prove the author’s belief that humankind is savage. Each character signifies an important idea or theme from our world, and the statement he makes about human nature is that mankind will turn savage for supremacy. As the novel is an allegory, each character is symbolized clearly as someone in our society. â€Å"Piggy could think. He could go step by step inside that fat head of his, only Piggy was no chief. But Piggy, for all his ludicrous body, had brains (Golding, 71). † Piggy is the scientific and intellectual aspect of society. He is a thinker, philosopher and someone who always advises for good. Similarities to Albert Einstein can also be seen in Piggy, because people did not care that he thought the atomic bomb was a bad weapon just like no one cared about what Piggy said or did. Another main character, Ralph, is like Franklin Roosevelt, who could not stop World War Two from breaking out. He signifies the confused that are always uncertain in the recognition between good and evil: The failure of the island society comes about because of an innate tendency towards violence in the boys. Golding is, then, in opposition to the romantic notion of noble primitives knowing the distinction between good and evil. Human beings are not innately innocent, so human progress is unlikely. (Kennard) When the kids on the island are confronted with a choice between reasons civilizing influence and animalitys self-indulgent savagery, they choose to abandon the values of the civilization that Ralph represents. Ralph in Lord of the Flies also represents democracy and is responsible. He is the politician who relies on social order and government, and his political failures show that he cannot oppress the evil within the other boys. One of the most influential boys whose evil Ralph cannot control is Jack. Jack is a symbol of Adolph Hitler. He is a crazy leader who killed many people because he wanted dominance. ?Like Hitler, Jack is a dictator; he is ignorant. Jack is the hunter who is consumed by his own fear and the greater force of his own capacity for evil. Roger is even worse than Jack, even though he is not like that from the beginning. He is similar to Satan or even Dr. Mengele who was Hitler’s worker and did horrific operations on people. Roger is cruel and has gone far beyond from being a savage because he purposely, with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever, resulting in Piggy’s death. Struggles between moral conscience and a heart of darkness are symbolized in the conflict between Ralph and Jack. That also represents the struggle between the forces of civilization and anarchy. The tussle between Jack and Ralph for leadership is the allegory of our political leaders who always fight and kill for the sake of control. In the same way that the way the boys are being lead astray by Jack, the leaders of our world take advantage of the masses. The impulses and the behavior of the boys are those of adults. Like adults, he boys realize that the only way that they will keep everyone alive and safe is through rule, yet the frustration of living apart from society tempts many boys to unleash the evil inside them. At last, when no one follows order anymore, the boys hand themselves to bestiality and surviving becomes a combat in between the two tribes. This same choice is made constantly all over the world, all throughout history — the source of the grief Golding sought to convey. â€Å"Lord of the Flies is concerned with the fall of man to savagery with the loss of innocence. † (Kennard) He places supposedly innocent schoolboys in the protected environment of an uninhabited tropical island to illustrate the point that barbarity is not confined to certain people in particular environments but exists in everyone. William Golding shows that the smallest boys acting out, in innocence, is the same as the cruel desire for mastery shown by Jack and his tribe while hunting pigs. The adults waging the war that stranded the boys on the island in the first place are also enacting the desire to rule others. Many aspects of Lord of the Flies can symbolize the struggle for command. Our world is very fertile like the island, but in their ambition to get the supremacy the leaders destroy this world just like the boys who burn the whole island to ashes without realizing that they are destroying their own means of survival. The division of the boys in litluns and biguns is the allegory of the classes in our world. Litluns symbolize the common people, while the biguns are the metaphor of the ruling, powerful and political classes. The island on which the boys find themselves is allegorically our world in miniature. Lord of the Flies was driven by Goldings consideration of human evil, a complex topic that involves an examination not only of human nature but also the causes, effects, and manifestations of evil. Each character signifies an important idea or theme from our world, and the statement he makes about human nature is that mankind will turn savage for supremacy. Golding addresses these topics through the intricate allegory of his novel.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Advantages and Reasons of Being Bilingual

Advantages and Reasons of Being Bilingual Saunders (1988) states that Fishman, a well-known writer in bilingualism, declares that more than half of the worlds population today uses more than one language while engaging in activities basic to human needs (Saunders 1988 p.1). Numerous causes contribute to the emergence and dominance of bilingualism. There are various optional or compulsory factors. Immigration is a major factor of being bilingual, whereas Immigrants move from one country to another, because of various reasons. For example, some of them escape from wars or poverty in their countries to search for better life in foreign linguistic communities. As a result, they will be forced to learn the language of the host countries and become bilingual in order to have wider contact opportunities and getting jobs. According to Saunders (1988), most immigrants speak the language of the new culture and environment. In Australia, for instance, 86.3% of immigrants speak their second language more than their home languages. Geogr aphical proximity of two countries is a possible factor of being bilingual, where people of the two communities need the communication among each other for different purposes like trade and other social relations like marriage resulting in bilingual families. Saunders also states that commerce and trade are critical factors motivating people to acquire a second language. Most economic business and commercial markets involve bilingual individuals to deal with customers from multicultural areas. 2.3.1 Education as a great reason of being bilingual: Education is one of the most fundamental factors pushing or motivating individuals to learn a second language. Being bilingual through education can be optional or obligatory. I notice that, in all Arab Gulf countries, most school students become bilingual due to their learning of English as a compulsory subject. However, there are some students, including colleges and universities students, who learn their second language English as an optional subject. The learning of English in these countries seems to be the result of the international relations between them and the United Kingdom. It is worth mentioning that the main focus of my research paper is being bilingual due to education. According to Baker (1988), bilingual education refers to any program aiming to teach students a second language besides their mother tongue at school. It takes various classifications based on the following factors. First of all, bilingual education is classified to elitist bilingualism and folk bilingualism according to the incentive of being bilingual. Elitist bilingualism is regarded as a reward offered to certain special individuals by government. Some students, for instance, are rewarded by being allowed to study abroad or study in prestigious universities in their countries. On the other hand, folk bilingual education is deemed a crucial need people have to meet in order to remain alive. When immigrants move to a new place, they acquire the language of that place so that they can interact with people there. Bilingual education is also categorized into immersion and submersion bilingual education based on the use of both languages in learning. In the immersion education, student s are allowed to speak their mother tongue while experiencing their subjects and communicating with teachers. They learn the second language gradually as time goes by. In contrast, students are not allowed to speak their home language in the submersion bilingual education. They are taught all their subjects in their second language. According to the major used language, bilingual education can be also categorized into transitional and maintenance or enrichment bilingual educations. Transitional bilingual education essentially aims to develop and make students fluent in one language only, which is the majority language. Therefore, this bilingual education focuses on the bilingualà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s first language in the learning procedures with few extra classes to learn the second language. For example, in the USA and Europe, the minority of languages are taken into account and cured in order to make the minority groups to be able to continue the education in English or other majority languages. Huddy and Sears (1984), state that bilingual education is improved in the United States by the Bilingual Educational Act in order to meet the needs of children who speak minor languages (Huddy and Sears 1984). On the other hand, maintenance or enrichment bilingual education aims to teach children their subjects with both languages to guarantee that children get good levels of proficiency in both languages. Baker indicates that some students are taught some subjects such as grammar in their native language, while mathematics is learned in the second language. Consequently, students master both languages, and the two languages are developed simultaneously. This type of education is used for example in Canada and Wales as Baker shows that à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"English speakers are taught French or Welsh to enable them to be fully bilingualà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  (P, 47). I assume that maintenance or enrichment bilingual education refers to th e same kind of education used in Oman but, here, the government uses the term dual education to refer to it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

German Expressionism in Film: A History

German Expressionism in Film: A History THE RISE AND FALL  OF  GERMAN EXPRESSIONISM RAVISHANKAR.N INTRODUCTION German Expressionism refers to a number of related creative movements in Germany before the First World War during the 1920s. These developments in Germany were part of a larger Expressionist movement in north and central European art. German Expressionism as a movement spanned many media, including theatre, architecture, music, painting and sculpture. It is an important but sadly overlooked field in the history of art in the twentieth century. It was very complex, different, off-beat and probably the most depressive and emotion exploiting of all art forms. German Expressionism was not just in movies, but also overall generally in drama, stage, theatre, paintings, dance, and many other artistic movements. Popular themes of these include were madness, betrayal, insanity, and other â€Å"intellectual† topics (as opposed to standard action-adventure and romantic films), as they appealed to an intellectual fan base. RISE AND BRIEF HISTORY During the period of recovery following World War I, the German film industry was booming. However, because of the hard economic times, filmmakers found it difficult to create movies that could compare with the extravagant features coming from Hollywood. The filmmakers of the German Universum Film AG studio, better known as the UFA developed their own style by using symbolism and mise en scà ¨ne to add mood and deeper meaning to a movie. The first Expressionist films made up for their low budgets by using set designs with wildly non-realistic, geometrically absurd sets, along with designs painted on walls and floors to represent lights, shadows, and objects. In the beginning the term â€Å"Expressionism† was used to show that their interpretation of Art was different from other peoples. But eventually the phrase would eventually start to be given to anyone showing a disturbing point of view or showing some mental illnesses in their work according to critics. Basically anythin g that was different from other movies started to be called Expressionism. Eventually by the 1920s, German film industry had become very popular in Europe and encouraged film movements across the world to start experimenting with different ideals and emotional states. In fact, the influence crossed the oceans over into America when Hitler came into power, because all the Expressionist actors, directors, producers, went to America. So this was a very influential movement as well. But the artists involved in Expressionism never concerned themselves with what the term might mean, which is why it continued to evolve and take upon different new meanings until it effectively became an umbrella term. The main idea was always artistic expression. In fact, many expressionists had voluntarily joined the First World War in the hope that it would inspire them and their art and create social change as well. By the end of the Second World War, there were three main schools in Expressionism. INFLUENCE It is no question that German cinema from 1910 to 1940 was far ahead of American cinema and other cinemas in Europe and worldwide. Along with German expressionist films, it was the number of German immigrants to America as well as to other countries, who helped develop film techniques and provide more intellectual strength to film movements. Some of the more influential films of the movement was Cabinet of Dr.Caligari (1920). That film set the tone for many of the features of the movement. That included evil characters in the plot who usually had madness and obsessions, with the story told from very subjective angles. And instead of high and mighty buildings and artificial lifestyles, it showed dark and gritty urban underworld and lifestyles of people. Areas were structures with angled archways, staircases, windows, connected together in strange ways to create different atmospheres – with shadows being used often. Other famous films include Nosferatu (1922) which created the horror genre, and Metropolis (1927) which created the science fiction genre. Also, today most films have unconventional plot lines, heroes, and a lot of other things that one can attribute to the German Expressionist movement. Horror film and film noir were two genres that were especially influenced by Expressionism. Carl Laemmle and Universal Studios had made a name for themselves by producing such famous horror films of the silent era as Lon Chaneys The Phantom of the Opera. German filmmakers such as Karl Freund (the cinematographer for Dracula in 1931) set the style and mood of the Universal monster movies of the 1930s with their dark and artistically designed sets, providing a model for later generations of horror films. Directors such as Fritz Lang, Billy Wilder, Otto Preminger, Alfred Hitchcock, and Michael Curtiz  introduced the Expressionist style to crime dramas of the 1940s, expanding Expressionisms influence on modern film making. DOWNFALL It was before the Second World War when the downfall of German Expressionism began. When Hitler came in power, he preferred old Greek and Roman style art which showed racial superiority. Expressionists were deemed anti-German and a threat to German culture and racial superiority, and many fled to America where they continued to further develop their art. By this point, Expressionism had went from personal to social to political themes and was now a very diverse genre that would influence Film Noir and New Hollywood in the future. After the end of inflation in 1924, Weimar reality stabilized and films sought to be realistic, objective, documentary (in accordance with the cool, sober â€Å"New Objectivity† in painting, photography, and literature). Also, the introduction of sound after 1928 forced the films to become more â€Å"realistic†. But there are a few exceptions including Murnau’s Faust and Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (both 1926) were the last major Expressionist films, both excessive in their production values. REASONS FOR DOWNFALL Though the ideas still stand the test of time due to their universal appeal to people of all generations and times, the extreme non-realism of Expressionism was short-lived, fading away after only a few years. However, the themes of Expressionism were integrated into later films of the 1920s and 1930s, resulting in an artistic control over the placement of scenery, light, etc. to enhance the mood of a film. It could be said that the specific movement of German Expressionism died mostly due to politics. Hitler and his Nazi party deemed the expressionists as immoral, people who had destroyed art and culture. They were considered unpatriotic people, and the fact that most Expressionists were Jews made the matters worse. The ideas of the Expressionists as a result started to spread out farther and farther to other areas instead of Germany during Hitler’s regime and the tone became more and more political in nature. Some of the potential was not fulfilled because of the limitations of technology at the time. If you compare Science Fiction and Horror of today to German Expressionism you see both the big influence, but also the limitations of German Expressionists. The ideas were great but were just not ready for mass consumption at the time. But from a purely artistic and creative perspective they are timeless just for the same reasons. With limited things they still managed to stretch limits of human imagination with their works. LEGACY Notable filmmakers (Lubitsch, Murnau), actors (Jannings, Veidt, Dietrich), cameramen (Karl Freund), were lured to Hollywood. This type of film making was brought to America when the Nazis gained power and a number of German filmmakers emigrated to Hollywood. These German directors found American movie studios willing to embrace their ideas, and several German directors and cameramen flourished there, producing a repertoire of Hollywood films, which had a big impact on film as a whole. British Alfred Hitchcock was influenced by the Expressionist movement, using their techniques and direct homages in several of his films as well as acknowledging the influence in interviews. Hitchcock’s film making in turn influenced far more film makers and shows the Expressionists overall reach in terms of film influence. Tim Burton’s dark characteristics in his films are also influenced by German Expressionism. Stylistic elements from German Expressionist films are very common regardless, being seen in everything from Batman movies to films like Shutter Island. Trees: A Sign Of Life | Analysis Trees: A Sign Of Life | Analysis Have you heard of a car running without a fuel? No. Similarly, for survival of every living being requires some sort of fuel. Oxygen serves as the life line for us. Trees and plants generate oxygen by photosynthesis by utilizing the sunlight. It is simply impossible of thinking life without trees. Besides providing oxygen trees provide us with food, furniture, fuel and shelter. Moreover, trees are the friends of humanity. They have marvelous feature, colors of their lives are simply breath taking. Ralph Waldo Emerson said The wonder is that we can see these trees and not wonder more Ralph Waldo Emerson. Trees are true friends of humanity. The trees are oxygen providers and are called the lungs of planet. They not only absorb carbon dioxide which is injurious to us but also produces oxygen which is a source of life on our planet earth. With the industrial development and excessive use of fuel like petrol and gas, produces a huge amount of carbon dioxide. Trees are air purifiers they filter polluted air by absorbing the carbon contents. Thus trees decrease the air pollution which keep the environment clean and provide pure air to breath. Trees also play role in lessening the sound pollution. According to United States Department of Agriculture, a properly designed buffer of trees and shrubs reduces the sound pollution by 10 decibels or about 50% as received by human ear. Evaporation from the leaves brings about the formation of clouds; these clouds cause rain and irrigate the land which increases the crop production. Moreover, they also keep the temperature milder. Trees help in incre asing the fertility of soil. Roots of trees keep the soil intact and decrease the soil erosion. Trees provide us with beauty and peace of mind. They fill our heart with unexplainable happiness. Green color of trees symbolizes self-respect and well being. They are the essential part of nature. Martin Luther says For in the nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. Trees have a significant role in our daily life. Despite its complex chemical nature, wood has excellent properties which lend themselves to human use. Mostly trees are use to manufacture furniture. Different species of trees are use to make different types of furniture. They vary in softness, hardness and flexibility. The wood we get from trees is used in the production of home and office furniture. Furniture industry is the source of employ for thousands of people all around the globe. Many countries export their marvelous designed furniture and earn a huge amount of foreign exchange. In other words trees helps in the flourishing of an economy of country. Now plastic furniture is also used alongside .Many types of sports equipment are made of wood. For example, cricket bats are made of white willow. The baseball bats are usually made of hickory and now days they are mostly manufacture of maple wood. The cellulose of trees is used in the manufacturing of papers. All around the world trees wood is use in construction of buildings. Wood is oldest material used by humans for constructional purposes, after stone. Even where other building materials are preferred, wood remains a major component in roofing, flooring, doors and windows and their frames, as external cladding and in furniture and fittings. Also for tool handles and cutlery, such as chopsticks, twigs (miswaks), toothpicks, and other utensils, like the wooden spoon. Wood is mostly preferred to make cooking utensils because of its non-conducting properties. Woods also provide shelter and safety for living beings. Shelter is essential for birds. Birds feel safe and secure the shelter provided by trees. A garden with adequate shelter attracts a wider range of birds. A good shelter also save the birds from harsh weather .the shelter provided by trees protects the birds from extreme coldness and shade during summer season. During summers trees provide a shelter and shadow to the animals likes cows, cattle etc. Forest around the world is home for about 90% of the worlds terrestrial biodiversity. Moreover, human beings mostly in summer also enjoy a nap under the cool shady trees .Trees wood are also use to build houses which not only provide a decent look but also economical. Abundant tree reduces the flood water flow. A farmer in the Khairpur Mirs, Pakistan has suffered financial loss of 4million rupees ($44,000) as his cotton crop has ruined. But now he has planted mango, date and neem trees and when again the flood hits Khairpur, he repair ed water channels, buy new cotton seeds and pesticides from the income he earned from trees.(Saleem sheikh and Sughra Tunio are climate change and development reporters based in Karachi,Pakistan.This story is a part of series supported by the climate and development knowledge network.(www.trust.org). Trees are the source of sustenance of life as they provide food and medicine. Food from tree not only fulfills human appetite, but also provides fodder for animals. Food obtain from trees have a nutritional value. They are the cheap source of providing essential vitamins and minerals. Trees mostly provide fruits like mangoes, oranges etc and coffee beans. More importantly, trees are important in areas which are affected by flood and famines. They provide food when all the crops are destroyed due to excessive water or drought. A healthy environment ensures an excessive greenery and fodder for animals. According to FAO (food and agriculture organization of UN) a reliable supply of fodder is critical to the 30 to 40 million pastoralists world-wide. If an adequate supply of food is available to animals then it directly increases the livestock availability, by providing more milk and extra meet for people. The increase in production of milk and meet will make them easily available and low er the prices of these items. From early days trees and herbs are used to cure many diseases. Since May 1978 the World Health Organization has been making a study of medicinal plants. This study prompted the initial identification of 20000 species of medicinal plants and a more detailed investigation of a short list of 200(http://www.fao.org/documents/en/detail/1997). Many trees are used due to their medicinal properties. The medicine prepared from these trees helps in the fight against infections. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as many as 80% of the worlds people depend on traditional medicine for their primary health care need. Not only in developing countries but also in developed countries medicines contains materials from higher plants. Wood is one of the oldest sources of energy. According to FAO more than 10 billion people utilize wood for cooking and heating purposes. Wood energy is important of all renewable energy resources. They also provide us electricity by running the turbines. Using wood for fuel is the cheaper way of generating energy. Wood is use for keeping the houses warm during winter. Wood also provides fire in outdoor camping and bonfires. In early days wood is the major source of generating energy. With the industrial development people new sources of energy has been discovered. Natural oil resources are directly or indirectly obtained from trees. Fuel is Thought to be produced from the dead trees and animals which were present inside the earth ,the high pressure and temperature convert them into fuel. Trees that were burnt inside the earth not only provide oil but also coal and natural gas. source oilpalm_deforestation_indonesia_sumatra_edwards50595_352459.jpg Trees are decreasing all around the world. Man has been utilizing them since the old days. Besides providing oxygen, man use trees for many purposes. Our life directly or indirectly depends on trees. But with the increase in population of mankind, the increase population put a burden on trees growth. People started to cut more and more trees to fulfill their needs. For providing shelter to people new housing schemes has been started. For the construction of these colonies trees are cut at large level. When trees are cut rapidly there function as an environmental cleaner is reduced. This also disturbs the natural ecosystem.Many birds and animals are forced to leave their habitats which affect their lives at greater extent. Trees are harvested mainly for furniture and as a source of food. In developing countries, trees are cut down as a source of fuel. Trees decrease not only due to human activities but also due to natural disasters like floods, volcanic eruption and forest fires. Acco rding to FAO 13 million hectares-of worlds population are cut and converted to other land uses every year. For biofuel a great number of trees are cut down for meeting the power resources. The rapid decrease in trees has very negative aspects on every creature of earth. Over 8000 tree species, 10% of the worlds total trees are threatened with extinction (UNEP). In cities trees are cut down due to which a clean and pure environment is not available. Forests are shrinking and cities are expanding. People living in cities prefer to spend their free time in recreation parks and gardens available with trees of many kinds. The forest degradation and industrial revolution results into increase in environmental pollutants and global warming. It is also due to the mismanagement of government. It is the case mostly in developing countries ,where government has little technical staff to manage and monitor thousands of hectors of forest resources. Moreover, general public also do not take their responsibility and show very non serious attitude towards the threat faced by trees. Source : Forest and Agricultural department Forests cover roughly 30% of the worlds land area. Three percentage of the earths forest cover was lost between 1990 and 2005 and there has been no significant decrease in the rate of deforestation over the past 20 years. Some 96% of deforestation occurs in tropical regions (FAO). Major challenge is to recognize the strategic importance of trees. Environmental conditions are getting worse. All types of pollution have very serious effects on all the life existing on earth. Government should take urgent steps to play its role in developing a healthy and pure environment. It should allocate an appropriate amount of funds and appoint technical and experienced staff and use the most advance technology. That staff should make policies which can easily be implemented and have very fruitful outcome. Government should make laws and put a ban on cutting of endanger species of trees. Different teams under the supervision of Government should go to school and collages to persuade students to pla nt more and more trees, books can also be published and documentaries related to trees importance can be shown on television. Small story books related to trees for children to make children environmental conscious at an early age. Public should also take the responsibility and help government in planting trees. Private sector especially the honors of different firms and industries can play a vital role. They help in providing seeds for plantation and an appropriate place helpful in the growth of trees. Public awareness programs especially in villages to convince people in understanding that trees not only provide food to them and their animals but also a source of earning livelihood and in this way they can improve their standard of living. The point here is that we should not only plant trees once, but also take care of them. A part from purifying the environment ,trees are helpful in our life in variety of ways, it is need of hour that as trees take care of our needs we should al so take care of them and provide them with a suitable environment for their growth and reproduction. Trees are the largest and longest living organism on earth. Trees are the marvelous chemical factory. Man is utilizing trees since the old days. Although world has progressed a lot, we are still dependent on these trees. The existence of man is very much dependent upon them. Trees are not only beneficial to mankind, but also to all organisms living on the earth. With increase in population trees are cut down much faster than their growth. The increase in pollution and decrease in the number of trees become the cause of global warming. It is our Moral duty to plant as much of trees as we can. We should not only plant them but also provide them suitable environment for growth. The health of our planet is base on the health of our ecosystem and survival of life.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Role of Media in the Society Essay -- newspaper internet televisio

The Role of Media in the Society Media has always played a huge role in our society. For a long time media was one of the methods of controlling people and leisure. In ancient times when there was no newspapers and television, people used literature as source of information, some books like "the Iliad", and different stories about great kings, shows those people the information about them. Nowadays media is one of the main part of our lives and our society, because we use word media, to combine all sources of information. Average man is spending 4 hours a day on watching TV and reading newspapers. There're a lot of different types of information sources, all of them are specific and dedicated for different types of information. Newspapers, Internet, television, radio, and magazines are all media. The media provides information to educate, to inform or simply to entertain its audience. The importance of the media is to publish the message worldwide, so that it can become popular. The effects of media on our society are different some of them are even harmful. Media was one of the causes of World War I, journalists and writers of that time tried to publish newspapers and magazines that were telling people how was nationalism good. They were advertising war and weapons. Another bad aspect about media is TV and Internet that are influencing our psychology. Nowadays we can see a lot of violence on TV, advertising of alcohol and cigarettes. Now I'll tell you about different sorts of media in our country. Newspaper: A typically daily or weekly publication containing news and opinion of current events, feature articles, and usually adverti... ... dedicated to music, not to news and facts. Also there are different radios that are playing only specific music genres. I'm usually listening to radio only in my car. So now we can prove that media is 4th power of controlling society and it depends on country, who is the head of it - community or government. People are using media to show the entire world the truth. Politicians are also using media to make themselves look better and using Black-PR to humiliate their opponents. In countries with communist or monarchy regime media is only not armed method to control people. All this is depend on bunch of people which are responsible for media - journalist. They have special journalist ethic. After all without media our world will be boring and life will stops it flow and whole world will fall in the age of darkness.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Physics of Techniques for Roadbuilding on Permafrost Essay -- physics

Building safe, adequate, durable roads over permafrost soil presents unique challenges to the construction industry. It is not suprising that the mechanisms that lie behind these challenges are explained by the laws of physics. Consequently, as concerned professionals from the engineering community look for inovative ways to deal with the permafrost specter, it is in the realm of physics where they look for the elusive techniques that will enable the extension of the transportation infastructure into the northcountry in a safe, efficient, wise, and economic way. This paper will explore the techniques used to build road embankments over frozen soil. In exploring these techniques, every effort will be made to demonstrate the physical concept that is pertinent. But prior to our examination of diferent methods of permafrost resistent roadbuilding techniques we must start by going back to basics. To understand the construction methodology of arctic roadbuilding we need to understand the mechanics and properties of permafrost. It's All About Heat * What is Permafrost? Permafrost is defined as ground that has been at a temperature below the freezing point of water for more than two years. A large portion of the ground in Alaska is defined as permafrost (some estimates say as much as 80 percent). Permafrost can extend to a depth of several hundred feet, or it can be as little as several feet deep. * Is there permafrost in Fairbanks? Yes. We live in an area defined by "discontinuous" permafrost. This classification refers to the fact that some of the ground is frozen, and some of it is not. Also, it is important to note that the permafrost in this area is known as "warm" permafrost. Warm permafrost is at a temperatur... ...ely be used. Both of these systems are currently being experimented with. Time will tell if these promising techniques provide an economical means of constructing roads over frozen ground. Bibliography Experimental Roadways on Permafrost, McHattie, Esch, Zarling, Conner, Goering, State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, July 1983 ACE and Thermosyphon Design Features Loftus Road Extension Project, Goering, State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, December 2001 Permafrost at the Geological Survey of Canada, http://sts.gsc.nrcan.gc.ca/permafrost/ Alaska DOT Deals With Permafrost Thaws, Stidger, Ruth,Better Roads , June, 2001 Permafrost, A Problem of Building in Alaska, Seibert, Alaska Co Operative Extension Service The Permafrost Investigation ,Jernstrom, Alaska Housing and Finance Corporation

Attention Deficit Disorder :: essays research papers

ADD 1 Running head: Attention Deficit Disorder ADD 2 Attention Deficit Disorder: The Effects of ADD Introduction Attention Deficit Disorder, which most people know as ADD, effects over two million people in the U.S. every year. Many people think ADD was discovered within the last twenty years when in actuality it was discovered over one hundred years ago. â€Å"ADD is considered a learning disability. However, children and adults who display some of the symptoms associated with ADD may hide a greater potential than expected† (Sympatico 38 of 40). Review of ADD ADD is a treatable but not curable disorder. It effects three to six percent of the population. It is usually found in children because that is when people are in the most active parts of their lives. Symptoms There are many symptoms that suggest that a person has ADD. One example is of a person not being able to stay in one place for a long period of time. Another is that the person becomes easily distracted, has difficulty awaiting his turn in games, blurts out answers of questions, has difficulty following instructions, or ADD 3 playing games quietly, talks excessively, and engages in dangerous activity. There are several ways through which ADD can be diagnosed. One way is by a specialist observing the child’s behavior. Another way of diagnosing ADD in a student is having the teacher fill out an evaluation sheet and turning it into the specialist, who interprets the data collected. Concerning observation of children, Sympatico says, â€Å" kids often have difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly, are often ‘on the go’ or often act as if driven by a motor, often talk excessively† (27 of 40). Speculations Many Speculations have been given as to what causes ADD, but no one is for certain. One possibility is genetic/hereditary brain damage during or after birth or by toxins that are exposed to the child before or after birth. Also, â€Å" food allergies could cause ADD† (Sympatico 9 of 40). This theory has not been proven, but more scientific evidence is mounting and suggests that children can benefit from certain diets. Treatment ADD 4 There are several treatments that help children cope with ADD, but if a child goes untreated the disorder will increase the risks of a child’s educational performance, decrease self esteem, cause social problems and family difficulty, and have potential long term effects. The main treatment for ADD is medication. Medications are used everyday to treat the millions of people with ADD.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Create and sell an accessory collection (starting a small business) Essay

The main reason I’ve chosen this topic is because as you will also read in the introduction, making accessories is something I really like doing; It is the first time I can accomplish a school task that has been given to me, doing something that I enjoy. It is just perfect! It will not only help me with my school life, but it could also be the beginnings of a promising future. The aim of my project, parallel to the fact of making accessories and selling them is to see if determination and skills are enough to start a business of my own. I do not believe it would be difficult to design and sell the new collection. What I have to see is how I will finance the whole process. But I am really enthusiastic about it and I will really try hard to put all my ideas into action. Since we had to do a project to pass the middle age program I tried to do a project that nobody else has ever done and something I really liked to do, so the best thing I could think was this topic I’ve chosen, I love doing accessories, it is very original, and I get a profit from it. Every day I work a little bit on this project since October of 2002 when they told us about it. I’ve been designing, creating, promoting, and selling my creations. But in order to do it right, I take down notes of every single thing I do as regards this job. How much I sell, I buy, I design, etc. I have divided my project into subtitles to organize the information in the way it will be easier for the reader to understand the whole process. The areas of interaction related to my project is: Approaches to learning, I had to do methodological work, my sense of effort, being able to hand in a project that hasn’t got any mistake, order of the project, communication and expression of experiences and searching for information and summarizing it. Homo Faber, I started a project of a small business and crated a project that is relatively new, inventing designs, and putting into practice purposes of Homo Faber. Environment, accessories are really involved with fashion and I take the designs from my surroundings, what is fashionable, styles, etc. Social Education, to show people that teenagers can start their own little business and to encourage young people to develop what the really like since they are little because maybe when they grow up they can still do what they did when they were young and to develop their ideas and imagination. In my opinion Homo Faber is the predominant area of interaction because I am starting a business with its pros and cons, also I am working with my imagination and time in order to accomplish my objective. When they told me that I had to write a personal project in Level 4, I wanted to do something different, something that nobody else had ever done before, and it had to be personal, something that I really like doing and what I really like is to design accessories When I was only eleven (11) years old, my mother brought home some big beads and some elastic. I started playing with them and I made my first bracelet. I realized it was entertaining and I preferred spending my time making accessories instead of watching TV. My grandmother gave me some more money and I bought my first working material, since then I have spent days and nights making accessories. My parents complained because they said that because I devoted all my time and energy to this, I did not study. But now I have my opportunity to do both things. Do what I really like doing that is beaded accessories, and also comply it with my schoolwork. This is really great! The idea is not only to design my own accessories but also to see if an adolescent can handle and manage a small company. This of course meant a lot of work, because I have to design the accessory, then promote it and sell it etc. In October 2002 Miss Pat O’Malley told us that we had to chose a tutor for our projects, she said tutors could only have 4 or 5 students, I choose Miss Claudia Zacarian but she already had her 5 students, but after talking to Pat O’Malley they allowed me to be with her. We started working and giving a little bit of shape to the project, I plan the whole essay with her. At March 2003 for my surprise, I got the news that Miss Claudia was not working at school any longer. I felt disappointed because of all the work we have been doing we came to trust ourselves and got to know us better. I had to chose someone else, but it was quite difficult because most of the teaches I Level 5 were new and I wanted to choose a tutor who liked what I was doing and that could help me with my project because she is interested and not because is a school task, so I asked Gabriela Flaiban the level 5 coordinator to be my new tutor, I asked her because I knew she liked accessories. I kept on working with her and she showed me several projects to organize myself better and what was that I had to include in the different sections and to give me a guide on what to do as regards my written work, also she proposed many things (I will explain later) which were really useful to me. It was very difficult for me to organize my work. I told my tutor and she advised me to go slowly. I wanted to sell the accessories I had to think about the colors, shapes, sizes, etc. My tutor told me to start doing surveys and end up doing the design that was the most voted in order of not loosing time or money. But I had to make a difference between people of 12- 20, 25-40, and more than 40 years old. The first thing I had to do was to design the accessories, I drew on a paper different designs and I showed them to different people with different ages and evaluate their opinion and if they will succeed or not. The results are attached at the annexes pages†¦. I went shopping, visited different places and read piles of magazines, and keep doing it actually in order of having buyable. I could get to the conclusion that on the first part of my project, spring- summer collection I stepped against a romantic, and hippie style with lots of colors. But on the other side the autumn- fall collection is full of yellow, red, orange and brown. And both of them had bright colors such as pink turquoise, blue and green in all their varieties. By doing surveys and consulting people I can get to do things that people can get identified with, and as a result they will buy it, this is a tactic that many enterprises use in order to evaluate how much will the selling be so as to produce an amount of products that is adequate to the amount of demand it has. The first thing I did after meeting with Gaby Flaiban (tutor) was the survey. The survey was organized in the following way. It was repeated several times with different accessories. There were 10 (ten) accessories and I showed them to different people of different ages, they had to put them in order from worst to best. In that way I could see which were the three accessories people different ages liked the most. After choosing the final designs, to start businesses, I must have a budget; even tough it is a small one. Five years ago I asked my mother and Grandmother for money, they gave me $100 (mom $75 and grand mother $25). So I went to buy all my working material, and started working. Time made me perfection my style, and neatness but, no matter how good the beaded crafts were I was scared that I will never return my credit, it is very common that when you start a business you can be scared or believe that it won’t be good. So I had to work really hard. Now, five years after, I also asked for a credit, this time a little bit bigger than the first inversion, I had my savings, I used $100, and asked my mother for another $100, my grandmother didn’t keep behind and bought me beads, and wool. After I do an accessory I immediately cost it, the things I take into account are: the cost of materials, hand labor, and how many exemplars I do of it (obviously if I do 10 of them and if there is a big offer of them I will price it less in order to sell it). Cost is very important because if I sell the final product in less money that the one I invested, I’ll be loosing money, but I must have an idea of how much I’ve spend on doing it because the price must be reasonable. Hand labor is also important in this branch there are included several things, time I have spent on doing it, work I had to do and promotion of the product. Offer and Demand are really important. If I do something really exclusive, I will cost more that if I do a dragonfly that are seen everywhere. And if there are lots of demand of something the price will be higher (this is the ABC, of economy) Promoting is as important as doing it, because if I do and don’t sell is the same as if didn’t do anything. As regards the estrategical view where to sell is a very big deal, especially nowadays. Propaganda is extremely important. I could say vital for this job. I usually give a certain amount of accessories to people that are close to me, like friends or relatives so whenever they go to parties or places where there are lots of people they are able to promote my collection, and that creates very good results because sometimes I get a phone call asking me to do a very important request of accessories or maybe people ask who was the one that did the accessory and when they get to see me they are still wishing to buy it, like the one they seen or maybe another they liked best. I also created a web page; you can find it at www. . com. In this web page which I specially created I will show every design I made and the final selling price, so if people like any accessory they can contact me by sending me an e- mail or calling me and buy any piece that has caught their attention. Web pages are a very interesting way of attracting people because as Internet is very used and calls a lot the attention, mainly because of the animation and colors. A very important fact is that being on the net creates a professional image, and that is what I want the customer to think about me because if people think I am professional they will believe that the quality of the accessories are better and that I am a person to trust on because a good image is really important. As an example we have Kosiuko the quality of clothes is not that good but as they do very good graphics, the clothes is original and they promote themselves very good by using very famous people as models such as Britney or Pampita they succeed on the industry. Nevertheless the most important way of selling is to get in contact with a boutique or a fair because I can leave my material and they sell it for me, in a way they make me save a step. As I said before promoting is really important. I tell everybody I do beaded crafts, and they ask me to show them, but it is not enough, shops are really important they make you save time and steps. Having good contacts is important too, the fact of having a friend working in a magazine or being a friend of somebody who is famous, can help me to sell better. This is the part I hate the most and I really don’t like it because I have problems telling the price, and persuade people to buy. I ask them if there’s a possibility of leaving them some of my accessories at their store and if they allow me to do so, they charge them a little bit, for them to be able to get profit out of it (usually 20% -25% of the price I ask for). To be able to keep continuity with the boutiques I am always renovating my stuff for them to keep calling and asking me to do different designs, keep doing that accessory that was very successful or maybe to invent new things such as napkin holders, handbags, sandals or belts, because continuity is very important if not you loose a contact and loosing contacts is a pity. I am actually giving my things to Cool Site, to Captiva and to different fairs in San Isidro. In the economical, fashionable, and practical view there are lots of advantages, but also disadvantages. To start with the disadvantages, the price of the material in Argentina has raised a lot and now I can do less with the same amount of money, materials raised 350% comparing to the past yea, with all the default problem, so it is really difficult to buy the same peaces of material I bought before with the same price or less charged as possible. Besides they are brought from, Brazil, Indonesia, china, and Thailand. A very important issue is that economical problems here in Argentina are serious; people won’t spend money buying accessories if they suffer from hunger. But in order to sell I must sell very cheap knowing the cost of the material for not to loose any money, because nowadays the hand labor cannot be well paid, as it was before. The advantages are that beads are very fashionable, so they are sold a lot, they stick to the fashion and they are really trendy, for every age since 5 to 99 but for each age there are different designs and that is something I like, I do different models following a trend and if they are for old or young people, and I can do with the same beads accessories dedicated to any age or style because it depends the person who is wearing them to see if that is an accessory is for her/him or not. Another advantages is that the crisis has pushed and prohibited people on buying new clothes and also the commodity of cotton has decreased 50% comparing to last year so every piece of clothes is really expensive, specially cotton clothes, that’s why people use old attires but they modernize them by using a beaded handbag or a big pin that calls more the attention than the attire itself so the attire doesn’t look old anymore and the whole outfit is brand new because of a little change, because beaded accessories are very cheap comparing them with the price of clothes. Another advantage is as I sell a lot I have my savings and I can use it for buying things for me like clothes or going on a trip, etc. This is a hobby that gives me money and that is really important for me. I like it and also can get a profit from it. When I started on October I asked the girls of my class, shop owners and my family what they would like me to do, it was an informal survey, because I haven’t wrote it down as a survey actually. But nevertheless I put it into practice. They asked for peace signs, lots of colors, many stars, and many earrings and pins. I kept everything I sold on a diary (annex page†¦) I worked September, October, November, December, and January. February was my holiday month so I didn’t work at all, also march, April, May, June and July. On that summer- spring collection I earned $520 with a mean of $100 a month and my expectations for the autumn-fall collection is better yet. Because I added one more store to give my accessories and promoted myself even better. BOOKS: * â€Å"Bead lings† BY Julie Collins and Candice Elton, Klutz editorial Magazines * Revista † mostacillas† 4th edition Evia ediciones * Internet * http://www.eviaediciones.com * http://www.klutz.com * http://www.mujer.tercera.cl/2001/10/27/moda.htm * http://www.derrochasvip.com.ar/latrama/canutillos.htm

Friday, August 16, 2019

History of Psychology-John Locke and John Mill Essay

Psychology as a recognized science is a fairly new revelation, falling into favoritism only within the past century. Philosophy bears the roots of psychology, and philosophers have been pondering the inner workings of the mind and body for many centuries before psychology came in to favor. One of the key philosophers crucial in the development of psychology in to a formal discipline was Descartes. Their writings influenced more modern Western philosophers such as John Locke and John Mill. From this point, psychology grew into the science it is now recognized as. The Philosophers The 17th century is the cornerstone of philosophy evolving into psychology. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) is often considered to be the inspiration for and credited to be the father of our modern philosophy, and psychology. He is most famously quoted for â€Å"I think, therefore I am† (Descartes, 2006). A human’s ability to reason is the only to find truth. Descartes would also not accept anything to be truth unless there was no discernable reason for doubt. â€Å"The only way to get to the certainty of truth is to arrive at oneself, relying on the clear use of one’s own reasoning powers† (Goodwin, 2008, p.33). Disenchanted with the philosophy he was taught, Descartes found nothing in his learning that could not be left to question. He was said to only believe as truth what could not be doubted and Descartes pursued to find the knowledge he could find within himself (Goodwin, 2008). Descartes was a rationalist and dualist, making him firm believer in the mind and body being two completely separate entities. His beliefs on this are debatable in philosophy and psychology and have been so in the centuries following his life. Philosophers and psychologists to this day are still trying to find the connection between the mind and the body. Western Influences John Locke John Locke was a 17th century British philosopher who is credited with being the founder of Empiricism, the idea that our experiences are our only true source of knowledge. Locke’s view on the formation of ideas was sensation and reflection is the only foundation on which we form ideas. He believed we acquired all of our knowledge form our experiences in the world and in life. Locke compared the human mind to a sheet of white paper. Over the course of life, all of our experiences are recorded upon this paper, our sensations. These sensations can later be recalled, in reflection, to add to new sensations and to acquire new compounded knowledge. John Mill John Mill is considered to be the most important contributor during the British Empirical movement. His contribution stated all knowledge is attained through experience and inborn ideas do not exist. Mill also believed a man should be able to do anything desired as long as the actions do not harm or hurt fellow man in the process. This also affected his views on the necessity of government. â€Å"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. † (Mill, 2008). Mill found the government to only be necessary for the protection of the people in defense of a war, safety against violence, and to prevent cheating or fraud. Modern Psychology The evolution of philosophy into the science of psychology rapidly took shape in the 19th century. The world was also rapidly changing; the Industrial Revolution created new technologies to help in the advancement of many facets of science. Moving into the next century, advances in the knowledge in anatomy and of the brain further assisted the progress of psychology being a science. Robert Watson was crucial in the study of the history of psychology. Founding a new division of the American Psychological Association, he encourages a study of the history of psychology. As a result, nearly all psychology programs today require a course in psychology’s history. (Goodwin, 2008) Conclusion. Psychology as the science we recognize today is barely more than a century in the making. When following the links to the past and the minds that have gotten us to where we are in psychology today, much it to be learned. From modern medicine and science all the way back to ancient philosophers, psychology is a longstanding and diverse study. References Descartes, Rene (2006). A discourse on method/ by Rene Descartes [Kindle DX version]. Retrieved from Amazon. com Goodwin, C. J. (2008). A history of modern psychology [3rd ed. ]. Mill, John S. (2008). On liberty/ by John Stuart Mill [Kindle DX version]. Retrieved from Amazon. com.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Money in Politics

Politics Under the influence and lobbying I found that a lot interest groups in order to make themselves known they have to spend money to maintain their presence. During my research I noticed a couple effects of money in Politics. One was Health; to my understanding physicians and other health professionals are traditionally the largest sources of federal campaign contributions in this sector, which it has contributed a record $116. 8 million to federal candidates during the 2008 election cycle.I also noticed that pharmaceutical companies and HMO's are consistently generous givers. The health sector as a whole traditionally contributes to republican candidates and parties, certain industries, such as nurses, give more generously to democrats. The fact that the Democratic Party has held office in the past two terms, the health sector has been more giving towards them. I believe this is really smart, considering the fact that wealthier people, as far as doctors usually donate more tow ards the Republican Party.It seems as if they would like to donate their money where there is more control as of now. To my understanding that seems like that they are playing he field very well. Some of the top contributors in 2011-2012 were, Abelson Drug Clinic, donating an amount of 41 they were considered as an outside spending group, Cooperative of American Physicians, donating $2,965,980, also considered as an outside spending group. Another was the American Society of Anesthesiologists, $ 1,565,400, republicans.To me I viewed a lot of this information as, the more money that you have the more of an influence you able to make. Also it has been a change in money and politics due to the fact that big money has always dominated our government and elections. And it has gotten worse since the Supreme Courts, Citizens United ruling in 2010, which allowed corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money on our elections. But as we saw in the election between Mitt Romney and Barack Ob ama, all the private investors that Mitt had didn't win the election.Last year a lot of â€Å"Independent† groups spent about $1 billion on elections. A lot of the money came from anonymous individuals and corporations. I believe that the problem in America politics isn't the amount of money these investors or donators spend on campaigns, I think it is more so who is paying for them, or what re they getting in return for their large lump sums of money that they are donating. Another sector that I looked at was the Finance/ Insurance/ Real Estate.The financial sector is the largest source of campaign contributions to federal candidates and parties, with insurance company's securities and investment firms, real estate interests and commercial banks providing the bulk of the money. What I noticed is that unlike the Health sector, the financial sector contributes generous sums to both parties, but republicans are traditionally collecting more than democrats. It's weird that regar ding the mortgage and banking crises in 2008, the financial sector still managed to donate $468 8 million to tederal campaigns and candidates.To me it doesn't seem like the financial sector was going through that much of a crises considering the large amount of money that that was donated, which was a 80 percent increase during the two previous years. Second I found that recipients of campaign money was a very interesting stand point, considering that the political parties and candidates raise very large amounts of money but spend Just as much as hey raised. For instance the Democratic Party raised $1 with debts that add up to $64,614,629.And the Republican Party raised $1,023,169,751 and spent 59,875 with a debt of 24,337,181. The problem with money in politics is not so much the amount that is spent on campaigns as it is who pays for them, what they get in return, and how that affects public policy and spending priorities. Money that should be going to schools, education, infrastr ucture, and healthcare is redirected to the obscene military war machine socialism for the defense industries. Meanwhile, e are cutting teachers, lessons, and many items that make us a civilized nation.These are more effects that money and politics have on my life. I feel that a lot can be done in order to change what's going on within our government. I feel the causes of more money spent within government leaves with the effect of a poor democracy. John F. Kennedy once said â€Å"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. † But what is the country doing for average Americans? I hope one day things can change for the better not for the worse, because in the end the average poor American suffers the effects.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Last Lecture

The Last Lecture In everyone’s life, there are people. Some of these people walk in our lives for a second, only to run right out. While others walk in and leave a mark on our hearts. Sometimes this mark only lasts for a little while and then slowly fades away, but other times, this mark lasts for a lifetime. There is one man in my life who has made a distinct mark on my heart — a mark that was created the first time he picked me up and held me in his arms. This mark has lasted ever since then. This man is my dad. My dad is an amazing man.He has taught me an awful lot in my fourteen years. He was the man who taught me how to ride my bike. He would hold on to my handlebars and run by my side as I pedaled. Though I feared that I would get hurt, I trusted my dad and knew that he would never let me fall. When he thought that I was ready, he would let go and watch me ride, making sure I would not tumble over. Although, when I did, he was by my side in a second, picking me up and dusting the dirt off my arms and legs. He would then stand my bike back up and we would try it again and again.With his help, I learned how to never give up. This lesson is not only important while riding a bike, but it is also critical when it comes to life experiences. If you mess up, you have to keep trying. You should not become frustrated and quit. My dad also taught me about money. â€Å"If you don’t need it, don’t buy it† is his motto. Though most of my friends love to shop, because of my dad’s words, I have never found it that eexciting . This applies to other material goods besides clothes. It is important to realize that simply wanting something is not enough.You should not merely collect items that you do not need. There are people in this world who have nothing. Therefore, when being given the oopportunity to shop, you should not buy everything that meets the eye. When I was younger, my dad and I enjoyed playing games together. One of the games he taught me how to play was chess. In chess there is a strategy. I learned this by watching my dad play. Some times, while we would play, I would get bored and start moving my pieces to whatever spot was open. I soon realized that you should not move the pieces randomly or you will lose.With the help of my dad, I learned how to think things through and plan things out. I learned that in order to succeed, one should think situations through, but have fun. One of my dad’s hobbies is planning vacations. Every year he plans a family trip for the summer. A few years ago, we traveled to Europe. While visiting France, we came across many unique foods. I am not fond of trying new things, but my dad taught me that the worst that can happen is I will not like it. Some of the foods that I tried were not the best, and I probably will never try them again.However, there were some foods, like crepes, that were absolutely delicious and I am glad that he was there to talk me into try ing something new. Another vacation he planned was to Hawaii. While in Hawaii, we all went snorkeling. At first I was scared that I would not be able to breathe, but my dad told me that was why we used a snorkel. I learned how to rely on something else to breathe. In life, this is like depending on others. It is important to learn how to do things on your own, but it is okay to need a helping hand every once in a while. My dad has always been there for me.He is always there to lend a hand. My dad is such an inspiration to me. Tthroughout my life he has been there for me, supporting me and cheering me on. Whether it is in sports or school, he is always there for me, encouraging me to do my best. My dad and I are inseparable. I am so grateful to be able to have a dad like him to lean on when I need help. I can always count on him to make me laugh when I am feeling down, to pick me up when I am hurt, and to help me find the answer when I have a question. There will always be a place fo r him in my heart. He has made a mark that will last a lifetime.